About Me

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I'm Claire and I'm a relatively good girl. I'm not single and neither am I taken. I'm simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart because they say good things take time. You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through. I'm still in the midst of trying to find out who I really am, so don't be too quick to judge me.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Best way to not get your heart broken is pretend you don't have one.

I fucking hate school. I fucking hate studying. I fucking hate waking up in the morning to go to school just for studies. Ugh, I absolutely cannot be bothered with school anymore. Can it just burn down, or. I fucking hate my school uniform, I'd like school more if I was allowed to wear my own clothes. If only there's someone or something attractive enough in school to give me the urge to go to school everyday. Wait, I forgot, what's school? Fuck school. I know nothing about school. It's bullshit. As most of you must have guessed, I got suspended from school till the end of the year but to make things sound nicer, I'm on holiday bitches.

3rd July: The Lottery Party at Soul.

Please pardon my pineapple face.
Tay's standard bird face.

The atmosphere was dope as you can obviously see for yourself and that being said, SMOOVE's bringing you another event on the 8th of August at Zouk, so what are you party animals waiting for? Keep that date free and reserve your tickets from me at 98785703 now! Anyway, photos are up on http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.240433912648068.65467.100000443836383 if you wish to view them yourself! 

8th of July: Sakura with my girls.

I didn't get drunk at all and this will be the only photograph of the day that I will be posting up here because the rest are hideous photographs of me, but if you would still like to see them, here you go! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.239688389384421.65703.100000297851969 I will admit that I am in fact just being lazy because it's four in the morning, update tomorrow, promise! Xx.


  1. Yeah you right, and, i think the school should let us to choose our class :(

  2. Your quotes is nice.. I will take some and post on my FB as your quotes and it recieve many likes ! XP
